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Asset Management

The Asset class provides an efficient solution for loading and managing various resources, including 3D models, textures, and other assets in your applications.

Resource Loading

To load a resource synchronously, use the load method.

const audioBuffer = await Asset.load(AudioLoader, 'audio.mp3', onProgressCallback, onErrorCallback) as AudioBuffer;
// now the resource is also available using Asset.get('audio.mp3')

ℹ️ Note
onProgressCallback and onErrorCallback are optional.

Resource Preloading

Preloading resources is crucial before integrating them into your 3D scene to ensure they are readily available when needed.
The Asset class enables you to define and preload resources, caching them for efficient use before proceeding with scene creation.

Preloading in a single file

await Asset.loadAll({ 
onProgress: (e) => console.log(e * 100 + '%'),
onError: (e) => console.error(e)
}, {
loader: TextureLoader,
paths: ['texture.jpg', 'texture2.jpg'],
}, {
loader: AudioLoader,
paths: ['assets/win.mp3'],
}, {
loader: GLTFLoader,
paths: ['model.glb'],

// now assets are loaded
const gltf = Asset.get<GLTF>('model.glb');
const texture = Asset.get<Texture>('texture.jpg');

Preloading in multiple files


Asset.preload(GLTFLoader, '');

export class Soldier extends Group {
constructor() {
const gltf = Asset.get<GLTF>('');


await Asset.preloadAllPending({ onProgress: (e) => console.log(e * 100 + '%'), onError: (e) => console.error(e) });
// now assets are loaded
const main = new Main();

Live Examples

⚡ Stackblitz - Asset Management