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When transitioning from a traditional three.js application to three.ez, you'll immediately notice the central role played by the Main class.

The Main class serves as the core of your application, enabling all of three.ez's features and simplifying scene and viewport rendering through convenient methods.

Within the Main class constructor, you can provide an optional configuration object with the following optional properties:

animateXRFrameRequestCallbackA callback function executed for each frame.
backgroundAlphanumberThe default alpha (transparency) value for the background (default: 1).
backgroundColorColorRepresentationThe default background color (default: 'black').
disableContextMenubooleanA boolean flag indicating whether to disable the context menu on right-click (default: true).
enableCursorbooleanA boolean flag indicating whether to enable cursor handling in the application (default: true).
fullscreenbooleanA boolean flag indicating whether to enable full-screen mode and automatic canvas resizing (default: true).
multitouchbooleanA boolean flag indicating whether to enable multitouch interactions (default: false).
rendererParametersWebGLRendererParametersConfiguration parameters for the WebGLRenderer.
showStatsbooleanA boolean flag indicating whether to display performance statistics (default: true).

ℹ️ Note
You can access the documentation for the Main class here.


const main = new Main({
animate: () => {
/** If you use external libraries that require cyclic updates, perform them here. */
backgroundAlpha: 1,
backgroundColor: 'black',
disableContextMenu: true,
enableCursor: true,
fullscreen: true,
multitouch: false,
rendererParameters: { antialias: true },
showStats: true

Live Examples

⚡ Stackblitz - Template
⚡ Stackblitz - Template Small
⚡ Stackblitz - Template No Vite