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Smart Rendering

Smart rendering allows frames to be rendered only when necessary, making it especially valuable for mostly static scenes.
This optimization enhances performance and minimizes unnecessary computational overhead.

How It Works

A needRender property is introduced for each Scene object.
When smart rendering is enabled, the needRender flag is reset after each rendering.
This property is automatically set to true when specific events occur within the scene:

  • Changes in object position, scale, and rotation
  • Changes in object visibility
  • Adding or removing objects
  • Focus changes

⚠️ Warning
Automatic change detection may introduce a minor overhead, so it is recommended to activate this mode only when necessary.

Manual Update

If automatic change detection isn't possible (e.g., modifications in geometry, material properties, etc.), you can manually set the flag to true. You can manually update the needsRender flag by modifying it on any Object3D that has been added to the Scene object.


Smart rendering mode is disabled by default.
To enable it, use the activeSmartRendering method on the Scene object.

ℹ️ Note
Smart rendering is specific to a scene, so it doesn't need to be enabled for all scenes.


const draggableBox = new Mesh(new BoxGeometry(), new MeshLambertMaterial({ color: 'green' }));
draggableBox.draggable = true;
draggableBox.on(['pointerenter', 'pointerleave'], function(e) {
this.material.color.set(e.type === 'pointerenter' ? 'yellow' : 'green');
this.needsRender = true; // Necessary because color change cannot be automatically detected

const scene = new Scene();
scene.activeSmartRendering(); // In this case, it automatically detects drag movements

Live Examples

⚡ Stackblitz - Smart Rendering